
Electrical and performance testing

Electrical and performance testing are used to test system electrical performances on modern test benches so that their efficiency and reliability can be improved.
System behaviour and ageing are observed using different tests:

  • Characterisation testing
  • Endurance testing
  • BMS validation testing
  • Other: Contact us

The different test benches are coupled to secure climatic and thermal chambers (-40 to +120°C; 0 to 95%RH). Additional chillers are available for your systems on request (-40 to +120°C).

Tests are carried out for 3 main fields of application:

  • Batteries:

SERMA Energy has major electric cell, module and pack testing resources with a wide range of performances:

-9V / 15A
-5V / 300A
-8V / 300A
-8V / 500A
-20V /1000A

-150V / 800A
-100V / 50A
– 100V / 150A

-500V / 300A
-700V / 400A
-1000V / 1000A / 250kW
-1200V / 1200A / 500kW
– jusqu’à 1MW

  • Power electronics:

SERMA has testing resources for Power electronics (inverters, converters, chargers, components). Battery simulation power test benches can achieve 1200V 1200A 500kW.

We also have the capacity to simulate vehicle computers and complete vehicle environments, electric motor operation or charger or smart charger operation (vehicle to grid). Our equipment adapts to your needs.

  • E-Machine:

SERMA Energy has several high and low speed electric motor test benches and modular back to back benches.

  • E-machine test bench: double output motor test benches (20krpm / 3500rpm) fitted with a 500kW, 1200V, 1200A battery simulator, separate chillers, 2 MHz power analysers and over 100 measurement channels.
    The maximum mechanical power is 368kW at high or low speed. Low speed makes it possible to reach high torques, such as 4000Nm.
  • Modular test bench capable of housing different testing configurations:
    • Front to front: two face-to-face machines coupled using a high speed torque meter.
    • Back to back: two complete drive chains linked to each other by a transfer box making it possible to use one drive chain as a motor and the other as a brake. This set-up is especially interesting for mechanical strength endurance validation. The limits of this assembly are: 35000rpm or 5000Nm or 800kW.
    • eGMP: a pull chain connected to two 3500 rpm low speed charge motors.

These tests can be carried out in a climatic chamber with double power analyser and 500kW, 1200V, 1200A battery simulator.
Using an acquisition system, we can also measure the motor system and power electronics output (e-machine, AC and DC).

These electrical tests can be carried as per the ISO 12405, ISO 16750-2, ISO 21780, ISO 21782-2, etc. standards.

The entire cycle and system conditions are simulated and analysed using the varied testing and trials proposed by SERMA Energy: electrical, mechanical, environment, de safety.